I wonder how many of us have slept on the couch or let the sun go down on our anger because of our own false self or our spouse’s. I’ve often wondered how many people ultimately divorce their spouse’s false self.
Discovery can be a wonderful thing. The word doesn’t necessarily mean something is “new,” it means “it’s new to you.” Over time, things can get lost … stories, wisdom, truths, even people can get lost and hearts lose their way.
The Exploring More podcast invites you into conversations where we share our discoveries of the wild and wonderful Kingdom of God … how it works, who we are in it, and the Love and Life that is constantly pursuing us. The Kingdom of God isn’t easy, nor is everything in our story good—there are predators and parasites in the spiritual realm, another kingdom, the kingdom of darkness that violently opposes our becoming more.
We aspire to offer hope through honest conversations and the sharing of invaluable discoveries we hope will encourage our friends on their journeys to uncovering who they are, where they are, and the good God is up to in their lives … the more that is waiting to be explored.
God is a Jealous Lover
Michael Thompson We were created for love, made by God for a love affair of the heart. Intimately connected in oneness. Jesus even prayed it in John 17:20: “I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for [all] those who [will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message, 21 that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent...
When You Test Positive
AuthorMichael Thompson Who knew a swab could go that far? For those of you who have been tested for COVID, you know the mixed feeling of concern and hope, the reasons you would subject yourself to such a test. You feel the need to be responsible – and to not be responsible for the spread of the virus. And, whether with symptoms or without, you want to know what might lie in store for you in the days to come. The week of September 18, COVID came calling on Zoweh. Eleven of us tested positive. Four weeks later, we have all suffered...
Autopilot is Dangerous
Autopilot is a dangerous thing. Believing I truly know what I’m doing and trusting myself to do it is like flying autopilot.
The Masculine Journey: A Check On My Heart
by Michael Thompson The Masculine Journey if full of training modules. Unfortunately, as others handle (and mishandle) our hearts for many formative years, we also find ourselves in need of healing moments as well. The Masculine Journey has its stages. You don’t trust an eight-year old with a chainsaw or to drive a car, but you can and should trust him to bring order to his room, choose whether he wants broccoli or green beans, the red t-shirt or the blue one. Just like you trust a fourteen-year old to get his chores done without being nagged (easier said than...
What’s Your Target?
by Micheal Thompson Along the masculine journey to becoming a good king, there are many opportunities for ceremonies of initiation/validation and for graduations – hundreds of such moments. Most men miss them, because most men aren’t looking. Nor are they seeing the bigger picture. God is growing you up as a man and wants you to engage, cooperate, and let him. When I was young, my dad taught me how to shoot a basketball. “Look at the back of the rim, see that hook the net is looped on? That’s your target. Hit that hook on the back of the...