Father’s Day is just around the corner! What if you could live with Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Prove and Nothing to Fear? As Father’s Day approaches, we invite you to encourage and equip dads to know who they are, where they are, and the good God is up to in their lives. You Got This. Partner with us as we encourage fathers to lean into this most significant role of loving well. It all starts with being loved … belovedness. Are you ready to become The Warrior? The Beloved Son? Order Now A man cannot enter this battle without...
Discovery can be a wonderful thing. The word doesn’t necessarily mean something is “new,” it means “it’s new to you.” Over time, things can get lost … stories, wisdom, truths, even people can get lost and hearts lose their way.
The Exploring More podcast invites you into conversations where we share our discoveries of the wild and wonderful Kingdom of God … how it works, who we are in it, and the Love and Life that is constantly pursuing us. The Kingdom of God isn’t easy, nor is everything in our story good—there are predators and parasites in the spiritual realm, another kingdom, the kingdom of darkness that violently opposes our becoming more.
We aspire to offer hope through honest conversations and the sharing of invaluable discoveries we hope will encourage our friends on their journeys to uncovering who they are, where they are, and the good God is up to in their lives … the more that is waiting to be explored.
Beaches, Ruptures, and Invitations
I am only just beginning to learn what it was our girls needed as young littles. Turns out I needed those same things.
Stay at home, stay safe.
The next evening at sunset, she fell asleep in Steven’s arms for the last time. That night, we cried, grieved, remembering and sharing stories as we journeyed through photos, thankful to be together, to be home together. Choosing to stay in this grief together, in this stay at home time.
Thoughts on Warfare and Motherhood
The scheme of evil against your heart has been strategic and consistent and intentional over the course of your life. How do the accusations that level you today have a kind of fittedness to your story? When did the accusations that come at you first appear and take root?”
Exploring More podcast
Discovery can be a wonderful thing. The word doesn’t necessarily mean something is "new," it means "it’s new to you." Over time, things can get lost … stories, wisdom, truths, even people can get lost and hearts lose their way.
A 14-day journey by Michael Thompson
Zoweh has partnered with YouVersion the creators of The Bible App to create reading plans designed for you to connect with God. We hope these devotionals give you an opportunity to slow down and settle into time alone with God.