One Day (Part 1) and Then and Now (Part 2), the sequel to Mighty Master Plan and Significant Signposts, takes its readers on an insightful, albeit whirlwind, journey through the Scriptures.
Part 1: to discover what will happen on THE day: the final day on this earth as we know it; the much-anticipated day when Jesus returns.
Part 2: to anticipate what heaven is like (Then) and how heaven can be experienced on this earth (Now). As in the first book, significant events are unearthed through both relevant scriptural quotes and dialogue between four very different characters: a Pastor, an Angel, a Sceptic and a Young Girl.
The messages in the book are enhanced/highlighted by sensitive, symbolic and impactful line drawings.
So whether readers wish to take this journey of discovery slowly by meditating on the words and references page by page, or whether they want to get an overview/summary of the relevant biblical themes by reading/viewing the complete text, One Day and Then and Now is guaranteed to inspire, challenge and stimulate Christians on their path of faith. The book can be enjoyed by clergy and laymen alike, for the timeless and universal truths of the gospel are unpacked in an unusual way, emphasising valuable biblical truths. As a coffee-table book left in public spaces, One Day and Then and Now could be dipped into by anyone intrigued by good quality visuals and spiritual matters.